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Being Braver

Being Braver is a weekly meander through what it is to be human leading other humans to serve yet more humans. We’re going to talk about healing, connection, and yes, feelings, all through the lens of braver leadership.

We are all leaders – sometimes because of our position in our workplace, social groups, families or communities, sometimes because of what we know, but mostly because of the influence we hold over those who choose to follow us. Please enjoy and interact if you feel inclined.

Where are you in your business lifecycle?

Where are you in your business lifecycle?

There are a lot of great, well researched, business life cycle models available and this blog is not aiming to usurp them. My simple analogy is to demonstrate the importance of staying connected. I’ve built my business on three core values courage,...

Your perspective is the real problem!

Your perspective is the real problem!

Whether you call yourself an entrepreneur, a business owner or a freelancer, when you work alone - or are the ‘boss’ of a small team, it can feel very lonely. You are the decision maker, maybe the breadwinner for your family, you’ve gone out on a...

Blue Monday – a reality created through story

Blue Monday – a reality created through story

Today’s blog is really about connection with stories. It is Blue Monday, the day that we – as a nation, are collectively feeling at our most miserable. It’s January, Christmas is gone, the credit card bills are in, we’ve broken most of our New...

Intentions and Accountability

Intentions and Accountability

Many of you will know my favourite pastime is retreats: running them, designing them, being in them. I have been very lucky to spend the last few days with some incredible people in the forest, a luxury lodge in the forest to be precise. We have...

What’s In a day

What’s In a day

It’s tempting to be all or nothing over New Year – big plans, resolutions, new starts, giving up vices, many of which don’t last far into January. In my experience, it’s lots of little but consistent tweaks to your behaviour that actually make a...

Reflect then plan

Reflect then plan

As we draw towards the end of the year, the decade no less, there seems to be massive focus on planning and intention setting for 2020. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for planning and intention setting – I’m also a massive fan of reflecting and taking...

Kindness is good for you – here’s why

Kindness is good for you – here’s why

Being kind is about how you behave, not what you talk about, yet it is easy to be glib or pay lip service to kindness. The festive season really does bring out the best and the worst in people. Let’s be honest, whether you celebrate Christmas or...

Batten down the hatches or keep moving?

Batten down the hatches or keep moving?

At times of challenge, or crisis even, it’s tempting to batten down the hatches, dig in and wait out the ‘storm’. While in an actual storm this may be sound advice, in life generally, and business particularly, ‘waiting it out’ is rarely the best...

Does your environment energise or frustrate you?

Does your environment energise or frustrate you?

Even when we feel quite small, insignificant even, in the grand scheme of things we all have the opportunity to shape the future. The choices you make today craft the life you live tomorrow, whether you choose to act, to engage, to hold back, to...

Is there such a thing as gut instinct really?

Is there such a thing as gut instinct really?

While I don’t think they are mutually exclusive, most of us lean towards intuition or fact-based decision making. Some of us make decisions rapidly, some of us more slowly and some decide not to decide. After having many heated debates about...

Be Fulfilled, Not Comfortable

Be Fulfilled, Not Comfortable

As humans, we can be intensely complex beings with seemingly conflicting needs and an incredible knack for self-sabotage. Two of those potentially conflicting needs are fulfilment and comfort. The relationship between fulfilment and comfort is an...

People want to belong – but not to you!

People want to belong – but not to you!

For many business owners, creatives and people who sell themselves in some way (that’s almost all of us BTW), talking about what you sell and building a connected community around you can be a little daunting and is not something that comes…

Have We Got the Whole Why Thing Wrong?

Have We Got the Whole Why Thing Wrong?

It’s a deliberately provocative question, and no, I don’t think we have it wrong, but I do think we are putting the emphasis in the wrong places when it comes to building your tribe.   It feels a bit like the world has gone ‘why’ mad at the...

Pick Up Your Plates One at a Time

Pick Up Your Plates One at a Time

One of the things I like best about my business is being able to have a foot in several camps – I am the leader of a small business team and work with small business owners, I also work with large organisations both public and private.

Excuses, Excuses!

Excuses, Excuses!

Tales of a Bottleneck Business Owner - Sally's StoryYou are only as good as the excuses you make! This is not in anyway an encouragement to make better excuses – this is calling you to look at the excuses you regularly make, (also known as the...

Everywhere I Look Something Needs Doing!

Everywhere I Look Something Needs Doing!

Tales of a Bottleneck Business Owner – Pete’s Story
As many of you know my career background is in Health, or emergency care to be exact. One of the most important things in emergency care was to get to a working diagnosis fast.