Ok so this is all the things a sales page shouldn’t be.
It’s short totally off the cuff and I hope conveys some of my excitement about the 23rd June.
I love working with small groups, been able to spend the time, to be really interactive and to delve into the stuff that really stops you from taking action.
Sure sometimes it is just that you don’t know how to do something, or the technology won’t work, or the back up stuff you need to do something hasn’t been made yet.
But more often it is quite simply that you are not brave enough – there I’ve said it!
Most often things don’t happen because you don’t feel good enough, you’re worried about what people might think, you don’t believe you have time, it might finish up costing too much etc. etc. And do know what, you’re probably really attached to whatever story you tell yourself to keep within your comfort zone. When we put our minds to it most of us can be master procrastinators.
Yes, you could spend ages working on your mindset, preparing yourself, but honestly the quickest root to success is just doing stuff – the scary stuff! Sometimes you’ll get it wrong, we all do, and more often you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about. Have you ever experienced that? I know I have, both in business and play – and after I felt like I could do anything (well until the adrenaline & endorphins wore off at least.)
I’d love to spend a day with you, helping you get focused on the practical things you can do to get noticed without selling your soul, to get past some of the things that get in the way by giving you practical strategies for showing up and impacting the people you need to, and by helping you to create your next 90 day ‘Making It Happen’ action plan. As a special extra treat, you will also learn about confidence on camera, how and where to use video and bust some of those excuses, like I don’t know what to say, I don’t look good, I hate the sound of my voice – it’s not about you, it’s about the impact you have.
During the day you will:
- Get really clear about what you are prepared to do and what you are not
- Delve into my ‘Impact Made Easy’ model working on yourself and your business
- Understand how to make an impact with video
- Create your 90 day Make It Happen plan
All of this, including your workshop material, lunch and refreshments is just £99 (+vat)
When I heard about Lynda’s conference I just had to go. Her wisdom and generosity has continued to help me shape my business ventures – Jon B
Before today I thought I was pretty sorted, but love Lynda’s passion and insights so I came along. I’m so glad. I realise that I’m playing small and can see that I need to be more courageous. Now I have a plan – Ruth O
My business is doing well, I came for the networking and because the speakers looked interesting, I’m leaving with a to do list, some great ideas and some new contacts, thanks – Andy A
I’ve known Lynda a longtime, she helped me in my NHS carer so she was the natural person when I started a business, but today has tipped my world upside-down. I realise I don’t know much about business, less about marketing and don’t really have a plan. Just when I was freaking out and seriously considering going home at the break, Lynda saw me, helped me get some perspective and reminded me of all the things I’d learned to do over the years. She made me realise I wasn’t incapable, just freaked out at the idea of selling myself, and that I was the only person that felt like that in their business. For me it’s baby steps but I’m on the journey – Cathy R
Seminars are two a penny in business and I’m choosy with my time but I’ll always go to Lynda’s events if I can, they are thought provoking, challenging and fun (most of the time). Today I have been forced to look at some of my excuses (that’s the not fun bit), and as uncomfortable as it is I now have to choose take responsibility or keep kidding myself. Dave S
This is the first time I’ve come to a Brave event, and it is great to feel the day is actually about you and not about the speaker selling their next product. Thank you – Elaine C