Being Braver
Being Braver is a weekly meander through what it is to be human leading other humans to serve yet more humans. We’re going to talk about healing, connection, and yes, feelings, all through the lens of braver leadership.
We are all leaders – sometimes because of our position in our workplace, social groups, families or communities, sometimes because of what we know, but mostly because of the influence we hold over those who choose to follow us. Please enjoy and interact if you feel inclined.
Self-Regulation Is An Act Of Self Love
I’ve wrapped a couple of our longer leadership programmes in the last couple of weeks. This always brings an onslaught of emotion for me, joy at how far people have come, gratitude for the team I get to work with, pride in what we have collectively...
Listening is an Embodied Experience
Most of us don’t listen well a lot of the time, we don’t listen to each other and worse, we don’t listen to ourselves – not with any depth at least. We’re busy, preoccupied or distracted, and often not present in the conversations we are having....
Thank You Anxiety
My Gifts From Anxiety I’ve learned that my particular brand of anxiety – or poor mental health, is triggered by been out of whack with my values. When I’m not true to myself, when I don’t stand up for and act on what I believe in, when I don’t...
What’s Happening To Me?
What's Happening To Me? Anxiety feels like a suffocating weight that can crush even the strongest of souls, and yet it’s your body’s natural response to fear, threat and the unknown. That response is usually transient, it triggers your fight /...
We Need Awareness Weeks
We Need Awareness Weeks Have you ever felt icky or uncomfortable talking to someone about their or your mental health? You probably feel exposed, or vulnerable and you might even have to face up to some biases. Both collectively and individually,...
The Trickiness of Stickiness.
Stickiness, for me is about having the courage to go for the things that really matter to you, being able to sit in the discomfort of uncertainty or not knowing in order to grow, and being tenacious enough to hold vision and grow into the person you are here to be.
Are You Creating Enough Mental Space?
Are You Creating Enough Mental Space? I work in the mental wellbeing field, I have decades of experience, and yet the one thing I constantly have to remind myself is to make space – space to just be. This is how / where I ground myself, feed...
Mental Health is an Uncomfortable Subject
Mental Health is an uncomfortable subject for many, it calls on us to face our vulnerability, consider our attitudes, and possibly reconsider our bias. In my years in emergency care, I’ve seen the whole range of emotion, behaviour and...
Losing your life is only one way to die!
We all coast in life & business now and then and that’s ok – necessary even, but coasting as a default is a great way to stop living. It’s almost like the more successful you are, or the more expectation you feel there is on you, the harder it...
Surviving Isolation
First, let’s get really clear about where we are at – we each have different experiences of lockdown and of social distancing depending on our circumstances, our jobs, our families and the degree of isolation we are feeling. To move forward we have...
Don’t be like Pandora!
Like many good myths and stories, Pandora’s Box has iterated over time – if I had a pound for every inspirational speaker I’ve heard say ‘and the last thing out of Pandora’s box was hope’ I’d be doing very well. For hope to prevail, you have to...
Reduce Your Anxiety By Helping Others
Reduce Your Anxiety By Helping Others Lynda HoltAt the risk of stating the obvious, we live in scary times – whatever your background, your job, your politics - this affects you. I’m seeing a complete contrast between my small business client, many...
Focus on what you can do something about – the way you do business
Resolving a crisis often demands innovation, a change in the way you do things. Discomfort, uncertainty and fear, will likely call on you to hold fast, keep doing what you are doing, or have you feeling overwhelmed, like you have no control, or you...
The antidote to uncertainty
When thinking about this week’s blog I had a wee debate with myself - do I address the elephant in the room for many of us, or do I carry on with my planned neuroscience and connection theme. The reality is these are uncertain times. Whether...
Are you aware of your allergies?
Seriously – food allergies, medicines we’re on it aren’t we? Whether it’s life threatening, causes mildly inconvenient symptoms or anything in between, it’s a physical trigger causing a physical reaction and we pay attention to it. We know what we...
Why being ‘shriven’ is good for you
No idea what I’m talking about? I bet you’ve eaten a pancake or two in your time. Maybe enjoyed a pancake race, or tossing ritual? Being shriven is to be absolved of your sins – it’s an Anglo-Saxon Christian ritual where on Shrove Tuesday, 47 days...
Ego: the creator or destroyer of connection?
I am constantly fascinated by narrative, language and storytelling, as they are key to the reality we create for ourselves – even when we are not the originator of the narrative. Our narrative frames possibility, both creating and limiting our...
Love is all there is
Depending on how loved up, romantic or cynical you are, Valentine’s Day will hold differing levels of significance for you. One thing is for sure, the increasing levels of commercialism around it make it hard to ignore – from cards, to gifts, to...